6 Good Educational Web Tools to Teach Writing

Writing is considered to be a key element of literacy. Any subject cannot be taught separately from clear writing skills. Whether it is connected with reports or essays at any studies, students need to get a good knowledge of writing standards.

For some students, diving into the main components of writing skills, such as grammar and vocabulary, might be complicated. As a result, they aren’t keen on getting new skills. However, modern ed-tech tools are organized to overcome challenges and keep students engaged in learning. Here you can take advantage of the list with top picks to cover the students’ needs in getting good skills during the writing process.

Top Picks for Teaching Process

Most of the websites are organized for students and teachers alike. It is easy to enter the platform and download the app. Some of them are attached to certain classes providing lesson plans, so it is simple to get prepared for lessons and get additional sources on related subjects. Therefore, you can take advantage of the quick and effective process of searching for excellent details to make your lessons really entertaining and well-organized.

As for students, practicing skills will be available at any convenient time regardless of the location. You will find everything online, from physics calculators up to college research papers help, to simplify your educational process. All you need is a quality remote access.

Let’s view the top tools to come up with the best-suited software.

  • If you want to get exciting details about the leading cultural events, NewseumED is just what you need. Browsing through artifacts is as quick as possible for students and educators alike.
  • Demonstrating writing skills can be accomplished by a Book Creator. It is available for learning at any age, from elementary to high school.
  • As for reviewing, the Draftback tool is an excellent one. Providing educators with exclusive components for checking mistakes during the previous editing.
  • Customizable options are available with Edublogs. Writing blogs and controlling activity on the website is in great demand for teachers.
  • Instant feedback on students’ reports is organized via Quil. Grammar capabilities are handy for creating essays.
  • Teaching and learning storytelling is not a big deal if you get used to the right app. Storybird is designed to help students in making creative stories.

It is easy to use the ed tool if you know the purpose of teaching and learning. Diving into the digital world and searching for the appropriate option is of utmost importance. Let’s get deeper into the educational applications to cover your basic needs and manage the appropriate tool, therefore.


The platform is organized for both students and tutors. You will take advantage of quick browsing through the giant cultural and historical information set. Digital artifacts are at the distance of a few clicks. Educators will appreciate lesson plans and exclusive information for lesson preparation. Real-world examples presented on the platform encourage students to get proper skills not only in history but English lessons and social studies as well.

Book Creator

Creating interesting books is helpful for revising the previous material and presenting feedback. Students can share their books on any subject to demonstrate their writing skills. You can design the perfect story about yourself, your portfolio, and your comics. The toolbar includes digital design and graphic components which are providing users with robust skills.


It is convenient to control and regulate students’ feedback and activities. In that case, you monitor the situation, edit and find mistakes, and your students see the editing in quick videos. Reviewing errors is helping them to cover their skills with new writing techniques. If your students can type, have a try.


Improving writing skills both with participating in global projects is straightforward with the platform. You can moderate the students’ activity in the blog, reviewing content, and viewing feedback. Connecting students with other classrooms and schools are managed while they are working on the same project.


Writing tips and strategies are provided to organize a perfect atmosphere for writing essays and reports. An exclusive diagnostic feature makes it easy to monitor the progress and concern about what students have to work on. Reviewing the previous performance, you can focus on learning and mastering your writing techniques.


You will take advantage of interesting courses from real authors. It seems to be encouraging to manage your work with experts and create your unique writing. Focusing on style, thorough planning, modeling the perfect formula for writing is easy. If you want to get closer to the art of storytelling, this app is the best for you.

Benefits of Teaching Writing with Apps

Selecting the proper tool, you are looking for a modern, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface that will help you to organize the perfect environment for teaching writing. By choosing the right tool you will take the following advantages:

  • Getting to know writing standards. Ed tools make it easy to explain the proper writing and create positive feedback.
  • Providing meaningful feedback. Educators can monitor and moderate students’ editing.
  • Differentiating instructions for every student. A diagnostic feature of ed tools helps to make tasks affordable for students’ understanding regardless of the grade.
  • Facilitating engagement in different ways. The possibility to view the results and share them with other students is handy for educators to engage all students in learning writing.

Overall, the educational software for teaching writing is organized in a way to make the process easier and more interesting. With digital integration with all the subjects, the ed tools are straightforward to use. All you need is to select the proper one to go on educating and receiving good knowledge effectively.