The Storm: Festival

The Storm: Festival is an adapted version of Thunderstorm, a play by Cao Yu, which was originally published in 1934. The subject matter of Thunderstorm is the disastrous effects of rigid traditionalism and hypocrisy on Zhou family. The plot of Thunderstorm centers on the Zhou family’s psychological and physical destruction as a result of incest and oppression, caused by its morally depraved and corrupt patriarch, Zhou Puyuan, a wealthy businessman.

Schedule of showings:

10 Jan 2020 / 7:30 PM
11 Jan 2020 / 2:00 PM
11 Jan 2020 / 7:30 PM
12 Jan 2020 / 2:00 PM
16 Jan 2020 / 7:30 PM
17 Jan 2020 / 7:30 PM
18 Jan 2020 / 2:00 PM
18 Jan 2020 / 7:30 PM
19 Jan 2020 / 2:00 PM

For more information, please see the link below.

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