Sir John A’s Footsteps – Hosted by Christopher Moore

During the Summer in Kingston, you can “take a walk in Sir John A’s Footsteps”.

This is a popular event for both residents of Kingston as well as tourists. For the summer of 2014, the walk is at 2pm and 4pm every afternoon and lasts about an hour. It’s filled with actors and musicians and is just really cool and something everyone needs to experience.

But it’s got better! Multiple times in August there are HOSTED walks by a variety of different people and they have a different take on it.

On Saturday August 23rd at 2pm EST, the host of this walk is Christopher Moore. Moore is one of the best Canadian history authors out there, and this should be a fascinating walk.

Christopher Moore will also be there at 12:45pm signing copies of his book 1867: How the Fathers Made A Deal.

The tour starts at Confederation Park, so go there for that and look for the Sir John A. Information kiosk.

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