In the bustling world of comedy, a new stand-up show emerges, raw and unapologetically hilarious, offering a fresh gust of humor for all comedy aficionados. Welcome to “I’m Not Your Daddy,” a thrilling, no-holds-barred comedic spectacle starring the inimitable Ryan Belleville. Known and loved for his portrayal as Lionel Carlson in the Netflix hit show “Workin’ Moms,” Belleville is ready to take you on a rollicking journey into his life and laughter. This award-winning comedian unveils his amusing takes on a spectrum of topics from the nuances of Canadian upbringing, the quirks of adult life in America, to the light and shadows of sex, death, and unmistakably, fatherhood. With “I’m Not Your Daddy,” Belleville proves he may be someone’s daddy, but he’s not your ordinary dad – he’s the companion you need for a good, hearty laugh. Get ready to delve into the exhilarating world of Ryan Belleville, a realm where each joke is a gem, reflecting the multifaceted experiences of life with a lighthearted touch and an unforgettable punch of humor. Don’t miss out; join in the laughter, the insight, and the unadulterated fun of “I’m Not Your Daddy.”