Repair Café Kingston is a community initiative of the Kingston Unitarian Fellowship that promotes repair as an alternative to tossing things out.
They host free monthly meet-ups on the second Sunday of each month (2:00 to 4:30 p.m.) at Unitarian Place (206 Concession Street). People are invited to bring broken items and they will work with you to fix them on the spot with the help of their fixers. They can fix clothing and textiles, wooden items and furniture (including upholstery), bicycles and skateboards, electrical items, toys and stuffed animals. Not sure they can fix it? Bring it by and they’ll take a look!
People should arrive by 4:00 at the latest so each item can be given adequate time and attention. There is also a “children’s corner” to occupy the little ones while you participate.
For more information, please see the link below.