Red Cross Babysitter Course

A Red Cross Babysitter Training course will be held on Saturday, March 7th at 206 Concession Street in Kingston, 9am-4pm. Young people aged 11-14 who are comfortable staying “home alone” will learn how to care for others, including younger siblings.

Safety skills are reviewed and students learn how to diaper, dress, feed and play with younger children. First aid skills including infant and child CPR, how to use an epi-pen and asthma inhaler are demonstrated and practiced. $55 includes a take home workbook. If your child has already taken the Babysitting course, they are welcome to attend for a “refresher” for a fee of $20 per child. If they wish to purchase a current manual, an additional cost of $10 is required, or they can bring their own manual.

Please contact First Aid/CPR instructor Colleen Cameron by email or by text 613 498 4415 to save a spot or more information.

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