This is a listing of all of the bands or live music at the Mansion in June 2016.
List updated and verified for accuracy every Monday.
June 10th: New Fang, Addington County Revue
June 11th: The Pack A.D.
June 12th: Logan Brown
June 13th: Jonas Lewis-Anthony
June 14th: Open Mic hosted by Spenny
June 14th: Height & Friends (Rap Round Robin)
June 15th: Kilmore
June 16th: Amberwood, Excuses Excuses
June 17th: Adam Baldwin
June 18th: Sweet Talk Jackie
June 19th: Logan Brown
June 20th: Jonas Lewis-Anthony
June 21st: Open Mic hosted by Spenny
June 22nd: Bleeker, Attica Riots
June 23rd: The Rifle and the Writer
June 24th: Craig Cardiff
June 25th: Amberwood, Flowers for Daniel, Excuses, Excuses, Kasador
June 26th: Nubs
June 27th: Jonas Lewis-Anthony
June 28th: Spenny (Of Kenny vs. Spenny)
June 29th: Nothin but Mental, Dan Don’t Sleep, A-Fos & The Rude Youth
June 30th: Fosssils and Gospels