Kingston Canadian Film Festival

The Kingston Canadian Film Festival will be running from March 2nd to the 5th 2023. Check out the events website for times and dates. The festival kicks off at the Isabel at 7:00pm March 2nd. Other venues include The Screening Room, Baby Gand, The Broom Factory,The Grand Theatre Regina Rosen Auditorium.

The Kingston Canadian Film Festival is also hosting special events such as Q&A sessions, parties, networking events, and live music. This year, the festival is expanding to the Grand Theatre for three special events that feature films or programs shot in Kingston. The lineup includes DEN MOTHER CRIMSON by Branded to Film Productions, SWEAT – an opera filmed in Kingston’s Inner Harbour by the Bicycle Opera Company, and the SLAIGHT MUSIC VIDEO SHOWCASE, which will premiere videos from 11 local production companies and bands selected as part of the Slaight Music Video Initiative. Overall, it sounds like a great opportunity for film enthusiasts to explore and celebrate Canadian cinema.

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