Come one, come all families to the thrilling and chilling live performance of “Frankenstein: A Living Comic Book!” Prepare to be enveloped in a world where immersive comic book design meets the stage, bringing to life the timeless sci-fi classic for a fresh, young generation. The intriguing adaptation by the talented trio of Craig Francis, Rick Miller, and Paul Van Dyck, and masterfully directed by Francis and Miller, confronts today’s pressing issues from climate change and artificial intelligence to our complex relationship with technology. Join the adventure with Mary, a young graphic novelist, as she stumbles upon the mysterious journal of Dr. Victor Frankenstein. Embark on a journey through his haunting tale of secret experiments and the unyielding desire to conquer death. In this riveting performance, uncover the message that facing our fears is a necessity before they confront us head on. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness a monster of our own making and delve into the realm of the unknown. Bring your family and face the fear together!