Finding Comfort in the Unknown

Finding Comfort in the Unknown event is bringing together a group of women to discuss confidence, courage and cultivating a life with intention. Featuring six insightful speakers and moderators, this 3-hour event will cover issues we face as women, entrepreneurs, mamas and anything in between.


10:00am DOORS OPEN
10:20am WELCOME

DR. JILLIAN MURPHY, ND – Finding comfort in our bodies and food choices

PAM FOUNTAS – Showing up for ourselves

11:15- 11:45 am BREAK
11:45-12:40 pm SPEAKER SESSION TWO

NATALIE VON TEICHMAN – Empathy and Mindfulness

ERICA MCILQUHAM – Balancing work, babies and a business

LEISSE WILCOX – The Myth of Competition

12:40-1:00pm Thank you and closing notes

For more information, please see the link below.

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