Step into the captivating world of modern relationships and romantic entanglements as Inspired Productions, in collaboration with Blackwood Productions, presents Stephen Sondheim’s critically-acclaimed musical, COMPANY. This riveting performance, featuring direction by the esteemed duo of Susan Del Mei and Matthew Davis, and the distinguished vocal direction of Jessica Duchaine, is set to debut in Kingston this July.
COMPANY unfolds the intriguing narrative of a single man on the brink of his 35th birthday. As he grapples with the merits and complications of romance and matrimony, he explores the experiences of his eclectic and often comical group of friends. This sophisticated, wittily humorous musical poses sharp insights into the intricacies of relationships, the dilemmas of vulnerability, and the essence of “being alive”.
The show makes a powerful statement with Sondheim’s mature and evocative musical storytelling, leaving audiences with a refreshing, thought-provoking experience. This contemporary interpretation of COMPANY offers a deeply engaging, entertaining spectacle, guaranteed to resonate with both seasoned theatre-goers and newcomers alike.
Performance dates are from July 18th to 22nd, 2023 at 7:30 pm, with an additional matinee on July 22nd at 2:30 pm. Be sure not to miss this significant event in this year’s theatrical calendar.
The stage is set at the enchanting Spire Performance Hall, located at 82 Sydenham Street, Kingston. Tickets are priced at $25 plus applicable taxes.
Embrace this opportunity to indulge in the marvels of live theatre and delve into the complex realm of modern romance as interpreted by the genius of Stephen Sondheim. COMPANY promises to deliver an unforgettable evening filled with wit, insight, and, above all, exceptional musical performances. Be there to witness this remarkable narrative unfold and feel the power of live theatre! Get your Advanced tickets HERE