Official Launch of

Welcome to the brand new

We ran a beta test of this website last year at the domain We were very happy with the beta test, and learned a lot about how to make the website better. We took it down temporarily over the last couple of months, and now it is back and ready to go as we aim to be the best darn website for events in Kingston, Ontario.

This website will cover all of the notable and prominent events taking place in Kingston, as well as areas close by. From Movies in the Square to big shows at The Mansion to the events at the K-Rock Centre; we have it all!

Thanks to the beta test we also have a strong understanding of exactly what people are looking for, so can make certain events a lot more prominent.

Now there are a LOT of events in Kingston, and we are slowly working away to get the site “complete” in regard to all of the events scheduled by various venues and organizations. We have the majority of July and August but will continue to work away and should be complete by the end of July at the very latest.

At that point we’ll continue to add any new events but we’ll also look at expanding the content of the site. We’d like to be more of a guide to Kingston and that’s the goal – whether you’re wondering what hotels there are in Kingston, where the dog parks are or anything else – we aim to have that for you.

Be sure to Like Us On Facebook and be sure to tell your friends – if you’re looking to find out what’s going on in Kingston, is the place to go!